Become a 360Man
A growing network of men committed to living out their faith EVERY DAY
Who is a 360 man?
A 360Man is dedicated to living out the full-circle (360 degree) faith described in Acts 2:42-47.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47

A 360Man regularly connects with God and other Men
A 360Man worships by accepting the role of priest in his home, his church, and his workplace
A 360Man commits to growing in Christ daily, and then invests in helping other men grow closer to Christ
A 360Man supports his pastor, actively serves in his church, and helps his family and others to do so as well
A 360Man takes part in worldwide evangelism, because reaching the world is God’s mission—and a man of God wants to accomplish God’s mission!

Why 360 Man?
We believe the spiritual resource with the greatest unlocked potential in America is MEN!
Husbands, fathers, sons, and even grandfathers possess unique qualities and giftings that God wants to use to reach and restore America. But those men have got to get engaged. Now.
The good news is this: everywhere we look in America, Christian men are searching for connection. Men are eager to get into the spiritual battle for America, but they’re being underserved.
Churches almost always have something for women, kids, and youth—but what about the men? It’s estimated that only 10% of evangelical churches have a men’s ministry. That’s not enough. Not even close!
Research and experience show us that when the husband or father in a family gets involved in church, the rest of the family follows suite a greater percentage of the time (as opposed to when the wife, mother or children initiate church involvement.
There’s NO denying it. Men are absolutely critical to spiritual development in the family! But sadly, too many men are sitting on the sidelines. Popular culture portrays men as selfish, predatorial, detached, weak-willed, abusive, and much more. That’s not what God thinks about men! That’s not what God thinks about YOU!
They want to get with other men to learn about God, the Bible, to grow in their faith, and have opportunities to use those unique giftings and talents God has given them.
The 360Man network is a great starting point!
Are you willing to get in the game and help reshape the state of manhood in America? Are you prepared to join other Christ-following men as we grow in our faith, get closer to God, support each other, and do great things for God?
If the answer to any of these is YES, then please sign up and join the 360Man movement!